Friday 10 December 2010

Erewash Conservative Future has welcomed the positive outcome of last night's vote on the coalition Government's reforms for higher education funding.

The proposals set out a new system for funding the education of future generations of students in Great Britain.

Under the new proposals:

·         No one will pay anything up front, parents don't pay and students don't start paying back until after they graduate.

·         No one will pay a penny back until they are earning at least £21,000.

·         Everyone will pay back less per month.

·         The bottom 20 per cent of earners will pay back less in total.

·         The threshold for repayments will be raised from £15,000 to £21,000


Richard Harris, Chairman, Erewash Conservative Future, said:

"There has been a large amount of misrepresentation and myth surrounding the coalition proposals. These reforms will create a higher education system which is sustainable and competitive and because the rich will pay more and the poor will pay less, they will put fairness back at the heart of our university system."

Monday 27 September 2010

National CF Chairman

Congratulations to Cllr Ben Howlett on being elected as our new National Conservative Future Chairman.

Friday 17 September 2010

Jessica Speaks out about rail networks in Erewash

Yesterday, 16/9/10, Jessica Lee MP spoke in the commons during the Business of the House about the campaign that she has shown staunch support for in Erewash. The campaign in question is to bring a train station to Ilkeston. Jessica asked the leader of the commons to consider allocating time for a debate on the train network and provision of train stations.

Jessica Lee: In my constituency, we are campaigning for the reopening of the train station at Ilkeston. I note in the Chancellor's Budget speech in June that he made reference to the value of future train projects. With that in mind, would the Leader of the House consider allocating time for a debate on the train network and the provision of train stations?
quote from ""

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Area Chairman - Derbyshire

Richard Harris, Chairman of Erewash Conservative Future has today been confirmed in the position of Area Chairman of Derbyshire Conservative Future.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Deep Condolences

It is with great sadness that I follow a blog congratulating the Prime Minister and his Family on the birth of their new Baby Daughter, with this one, offering condolences to the Prime Minister on the passing of his father.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Congratulations to David & Samantha Cameron

Congratulations to David & Samantha Cameron on the birth of their
fourth child.

Samantha had a little girl of 6lb 1oz this morning in the Royal Cornwall
Hospital, Truro.

Erewash Conservative Future and its membership would like to
congratulate the Prime Minister and his family on their new arrival.

Monday 23 August 2010

votes at 16 update

I have done a bit of Digging around the area of the votes at 16 coalition.

It is the stance of the Conservative Party that the voting age is an arbitrary notion in the first instance, so we should leave it at 18. Otherwise, we could lower it to 14 or 15 or 15 and 3 1/4 or any ridiculously random age.

I am sometimes perhaps overly skeptical about things, I will admit, but to be honest, if we lower the age, who would use their vote?

Friday 13 August 2010

Getting Involved

I attended the Erewash Conservative Association Membership & Fund Raising Committee meeting on Wednesday Morning. It was the first time that I had met the vast majority of the membership of the committee. It is made up of councillors and branch executives from across the constituency. For the majority of the membership the notion that young conservatives (YC's) is now Conservative Future and that there is an active presence of CF back in the Erewash Constituency is a notion that is met with great enthusiasm and positivity.

For me the opportunity to speak on a few occasions within the meeting was a great honor and a privilege. The fact that, what I would describe as the elders of the constituency and the party would listen to and value the opinions of a young 23 year old officer, to me, proves how the culture of politics and the ethos of the party has altered and changed over the years.

With the backing of Jessica (Lee), Julian (Rose), Kevin (Miller), Our great Association President (Mrs. A Noskwith) and the rest of the association exec, I am quietly confident of gaining just as good a membership rise as I experienced in Derby if not better.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

engaging the masses

Here in the East Midlands we have a female MEP and 3 female MP's. Oh and did I forget to mention that they are all Tory's?

Theresa May holds one of the three highest ranked cabinet positions in the British government as the home secretary. Two of the last three Conservative Party Chairmen have been women.

In my local branch, we have a parish council that is more than 50 % female. So why are female Conservative Future members so hard to come by?

What makes young people, and young women in particular, get involved in politics? What makes women join a political party in general?

Erewash CF welcomes its newest author

It is with great pleasure that the Erewash Conservative Future Branch welcomes a new author to the CF blog.

Matthew Coolin is the Branch's Deputy Chairman and will be joining Richard as co-author to the Erewash CF blog.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

What should the purpose of CF be, moving forward?

Amidst the hustings and policy of the CF National Chairman Candidates, I had a thought that got me thinking... What is the purpose of CF?

Well my first point of interest was obviously the CF constitution. The objectives that are cited there are pretty generic and the usual suspects show up in the objectives section:

The Objects of CF are:-
3.1.1 to advance the principles and policies of the Party amongst people:-
under the age of 30; and/or studying at institutions of higher and further education within the
3.1.2 to recruit members to the Party;
3.1.3 to advise and provide assistance to the Party on all matters where the
particular expertise of CF may be of value;
3.1.4 to represent and promote the interests and profile of Party members under
the age of 30;
3.1.5 to encourage and develop among its Members the formation, organisation
and operation of branches;
3.1.6 to work for the election of Conservative Candidates in local, regional, national
and European elections.

Well that provoked another thought, how, exactly, do we recruit members to the Party? More importantly, how do we keep our current members active and retain membership?

Indeed, why do people join political parties? One would assume that this is because a person feels a connection, either ideologically or otherwise to that party. In which case, they would possess the want and desire to get involved and be an active member of that party.

Therefore an active involvement or perhaps even a committee position or officer's role in the local association would keep the membership satisfied and active. But realistically this is not always enough for younger members. Which is why the vast majority of conservative future branches are based around and built upon social activity and dare I say it? Alcohol.

So how do we recruit members? Is it possible to sustain political interest in young people? The answer is, YES...

I was on a student union trip to our far flung campus in Buxton, prime rich pickings for a High Peak Conservative Future branch at the outset. We were trying to get some two way engagement going with the Union's democracy campaign. Now a strong FE base would normally cause a look of horror to be struck at the hint of the word politics, but, I was surprised at the amount of knowledge and engagement that I witnessed in a bunch of 16 & 17 year olds.

I even got a young lad to talk himself round from voting BNP to voting Tory, by his unknowing hatred for Nick Griffin outweighing his hatred for foreign migrants and immigrants. But by sitting and chatting with them, its easy to show them that their everyday lives are governed by politics.

It is upsetting, however, to learn that there are very few FE institutions left that teach politics.

I leave you with the question, then, is it time to bring politics back to the curriculum, and would those gaining academy status and the subsequent autonomy, include politics as part of their curriculum?

Tuesday 27 July 2010

A new dawn in youth politics

It is a new dawning in the area of youth politics for the East Midlands Constituency of Erewash in Derbyshire.

May 6th 2010 was a long and exhausting day for the campaign team of Jessica Lee, but by the end of the week, an extremely satisfying sigh of relief was hot on the breath of all concerned within the Erewash Conservative Association.

Two months on and the Erewash Conservative Future branch was on the brink of its launch meeting.

To quote the Branch Chairman, Richard Harris, "The future of this party in Erewash, depends on the regeneration of its membership, it is up to us, the party's youth movement in Erewash, to get out there and recruit more membership at the grassroots level. That way the legacy of the Erewash Conservative Association and the majority that Jessica (Lee) gained in 2010, can live on and be repeated in future years and future campaigns."