Friday 10 December 2010

Erewash Conservative Future has welcomed the positive outcome of last night's vote on the coalition Government's reforms for higher education funding.

The proposals set out a new system for funding the education of future generations of students in Great Britain.

Under the new proposals:

·         No one will pay anything up front, parents don't pay and students don't start paying back until after they graduate.

·         No one will pay a penny back until they are earning at least £21,000.

·         Everyone will pay back less per month.

·         The bottom 20 per cent of earners will pay back less in total.

·         The threshold for repayments will be raised from £15,000 to £21,000


Richard Harris, Chairman, Erewash Conservative Future, said:

"There has been a large amount of misrepresentation and myth surrounding the coalition proposals. These reforms will create a higher education system which is sustainable and competitive and because the rich will pay more and the poor will pay less, they will put fairness back at the heart of our university system."