Monday 27 September 2010

National CF Chairman

Congratulations to Cllr Ben Howlett on being elected as our new National Conservative Future Chairman.

Friday 17 September 2010

Jessica Speaks out about rail networks in Erewash

Yesterday, 16/9/10, Jessica Lee MP spoke in the commons during the Business of the House about the campaign that she has shown staunch support for in Erewash. The campaign in question is to bring a train station to Ilkeston. Jessica asked the leader of the commons to consider allocating time for a debate on the train network and provision of train stations.

Jessica Lee: In my constituency, we are campaigning for the reopening of the train station at Ilkeston. I note in the Chancellor's Budget speech in June that he made reference to the value of future train projects. With that in mind, would the Leader of the House consider allocating time for a debate on the train network and the provision of train stations?
quote from ""

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Area Chairman - Derbyshire

Richard Harris, Chairman of Erewash Conservative Future has today been confirmed in the position of Area Chairman of Derbyshire Conservative Future.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Deep Condolences

It is with great sadness that I follow a blog congratulating the Prime Minister and his Family on the birth of their new Baby Daughter, with this one, offering condolences to the Prime Minister on the passing of his father.